Hey guys, Jana here, As if ‘The Angry Birds Movie‘ needed any more excitement, the high-flyer parents have released a special holiday greeting from their
Hey guys, Jana here, I’m sure everyone’s noticed, or read, that remakes are the axis that makes the movie-world go round, and it looks like
Hey guys, Jana here, DC fans have made themselves heard – loudly – on their presumptions of how ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice‘ is
Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. I had the extreme pleasure to talk with Cary Mansfield (the guy who runs the Pop/Soundtrack section of Varèse Sarabande), and discuss
Hello Everyone, Janet W. here… Moon rises on the London cityscape and thus begins the true tale of the Kray Brothers of the 1960s
Fernando M., Here… Is there any real need to make another Frankenstein movie? Probably not. Is there any real need to add extra cheese
Hi everyone, Bryan Here… We have the first trailer for the highly anticipated ‘Civil War‘ film from Marvel, which will basically be the third ‘Captain
Hi everyone, Bryan Here… This year marks the first time that Pixar released to feature films in the same year. Usually, Pixar releases one film