Hi, Bryan Here….
“I’m too old for this shit.” The GEEK DEAL OF THE DAY or shall I say the week is the blu-ray collection of all four ‘Lethal Weapon‘ films. This impressive set comes with all four films and a 5th bonus disc, packed with tons of extras. Currently, the price-tag is $79.98 on this set, but for this week only, you can snatch it up for a cheap $36.99 or less. The audio and video presentations on this collection is very good, plus you know you want to hear Danny Glover yell “Heeeyyy Rigggsss”, several hundred times.
With the extras, you will get tons of behind the scenes footage, some interviews, commentaries, deleted scenes, and making of featurettes. This is definitely worth owning, especially at this low price point. Enjoy the sale while it lasts.