Welcome to the brand new show on the Multi-Media Men Podcast Network called “No B.S. With Susan and Bryan“, a show dedicated to all forms of entertainment. Movies, television shows, music, theatre, and nationwide events will be covered, along with some other wild segments. Hosts Bryan Kluger from Boomstick Comics, High Def Digest, and Screen Rant along with Susan Kamyab of Irving Community Television and This Chix Flix team up for some hilarious discussions on the entertainment industry. This 13th episode is all about VHS Tapes and Video Rental Stores.

In the lucky thirteenth episode, Susan and Bryan discuss how poorly movies are doing in theaters, films being pushed back and delayed even longer The Mandolorian Season 2, and more The Bachelor/Bachelorette news.

Our main segment was all VHS Tapes and Video Rental stores. We dive into the VHS we still might own, what we used to record and own on VHS all those years ago, and what rental stores we frequented in our youth. It was a fun trip down memory lane.



In the weekly Blind Watch segment, Bryan and Susan switch off each episode and pick a movie neither of us has seen and review it. This episode was…

Pathology (2008): Starring Milo Ventimiglia, Michael Weston, Alyssa Milano/Directed by Marc Schölermann

“Medical student Ted Grey (Milo Ventimiglia) graduates at the top of his class and quickly joins an elite pathology program, whose top students invite him into their circle. There he uncovers a gruesome secret: They play a game in which one tries to commit the perfect, undetectable murder, then the others compete to determine the victim’s cause of death.”

It was a lot of fun.

And don’t forget to visit iTunes , Stitcher , I Heart Radio, and Spotify to subscribe to our podcast. You can also email us at mybloodypodcast@gmail.com. Enjoy the show and see you next week! Thank you for listening.

By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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