Hi, Bryan Here….

Paramount will release the next Jack Ryan film on December 25th, 2013.  This will mark the return of the Tom Clancy character Jack Ryan, previously played by Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Alec Baldwin.  This time around, Jack Ryan will be played by Chris Pine (known for portraying the new Captain Kirk in Star Trek).

Keira Knightley and Kevin Costner both join Pine for this new film which is being directed by Kenneth Branagh.  This new film will be a prequel of sorts, a storyline Pine is used to by now, and will center around Ryan before he joined the CIA.  His love interest will be Knightley.  An we will be getting a double dose of Branagh, as he will be the film’s villain who is plotting to destroy the U.S. economy.

Branagh recently described the movie as “an original story that allows us to understand how Jack Ryan develops into a CIA analyst, before joining, and perhaps even joining, the CIA. It’s a very contemporary action thriller set in the here and now.”

Your thoughts?



By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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