Hi Bryan Here…

Boomstick Comics will be giving away comics everyday through the end of the year in celebration of Boomstick Comics being open for two years now.

All you have to do is: 1) “Follow” the Boomstick Comics Website HERE. .2) Monitor the Boomstick Comics Website every day  between the hours of 2pm and 5pm CT and at some point each day I will post a trivia question on the website. The first reader to correctly answer this question via the comment section on the Boomstick Comics website will win the prize.  IMPORTANT!! This contest is available only to residents of the United States.  IMPORTANT!! If Bryan provisionally declares you a winner, immediately forward your shipping address and phone number to boomstickcomics@gmail.com. If you fail to do so within 24 hours, Bryan will assign the prize to another.  Even if you’re a giant loser today, look for more supercool prizing in the coming days and weeks!

Todays Prize is:


Cover by Frank Quitely. Batman Reborn: Part 2 of 3 – Written by Grant Morrison. Art by Frank Quitely. ‘Batman Reborn’ continues with the reteaming of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, WE3, New X-Men)! In a blazing Gotham City police department, the new Batman and Robin face the bizarre, fighting freakshow that is the Circus of Strange and find that they don’t make as good a team as Batman had hoped! Meanwhile, the mysterious Sasha escapes from Professor Pyg and vows vengeance on the people who killed her father. 32 pages, full color.

So keep checking and reloading THIS PAGE and keep on the look out for the 1st trivia question.

By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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