Here is the new episode of the Interview Series on the MULTI-MEDIA MEN podcast network, where the show is related to all things Movies, Music, and Entertainment! Here on this new episode, hosts  Bryan Kluger from Boomstick ComicsHigh Def Digest, and Screen Rant, along with good friend Marc Ciafardini from GoSeeTalk joins in on the fun. Our Feature Presentation this episode is a genuine and fun talk with the people behind one of the biggest podcasts around – Blockbuster Podcast – – Matt Schrader, Peter Bawiec, and Fernando Arroyo Lascurain!

Blockbuster Podcast took the world by storm a year ago when the creators told the story of how George Lucas and Steven Spielberg became friends and got into the movie business, each becoming one of the most successful film directors in history. This podcast tells this true-life tale in the form of an audio movie with voice actors playing the real people, along with excellent sound effects and an original music score. It’s phenomenal, to say the least. After the success of their first season with Spielberg/Lucas, Blockbuster Podcast tackled the James Cameron story, which is now in their current second season.

Creator Matt Schrader, Sound Director Peter Bawiec, and film composer Fernando Arroyo Lascurain all join in with a hearty and candid discussion on this wonderful Blockbuster podcast. We deep dive into how the show got started, the research that goes into telling these stories, the amount of editing, voice casting, and audio effects that are used, and finding the perfect Arnold Schwarzenegger voice to coincide with James Cameron. It’s a ton of fun.

Enjoy the show!


And don’t forget to visit iTunes , Stitcher , I Heart Radio, and Spotify to subscribe to our podcast. You can also email us at Enjoy the show and see you next week! Thank you for listening.

By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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