Well the forces that be have decided to make yet another re-make. This time 13 Tzameti. Now I know most of you have not heard of this film let alone seen it. Let me tell you.
When I first watched this movie, I really did not know anything about it, other than it was a French Film and it was going to have violence of some sort in it. That’s all I knew going into it.
Well, about half way into the movie I realized I was not sitting in my chair anymore and that I felt wet. Yes I literally was sitting on the edge of my seat and sweating. That’s how nerve destroying this movie is. I don’t think I have ever done that in a movie before besides Hard Candy. This is one of the most suspenseful movies I have ever witnessed. Yes it made me sweat. Get the original film HERE.
It basically is a story of a young man who assumes the identity of a dead man. A dead man who was involved in some weird scary shit. Scary stuff like the underground world of power, violence and a russian roulette competition where if you lose, well, you will lose all. What a fantastic movie.
So along with this never ending trend to remake every movie EVER, this film is being remade.
Gela Babluani (original writer/director) has returned to helm this project. He has attached Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Ray Liotta, Ray Winstone, and 50 Cent to star in this new movie. I wonder if this is the film that 50 Cent lost all his weight for.
See the Russian Trailer HERE.