Janet W., Here…


Pan opens with the star-filled, vastness, and seemingly infinite space a proper setting for our imaginations.  This is where the world began.  Fitting this would be the start of the story of one of literature’s most courageous young boy (sometimes a grown woman, remember Mary Martin played him, too), Peter Pan.  Pan is where Peter’s story began, long before he met Wendy, John, and Michael.  Peter was a baby left on the front steps of Lambeth’s Home for Boys in pre-World War I London.

Pan is a wonderful fresh incite to who Peter Pan (Levi Miller) is and how he became that way.  Go on this journey and find out the mysteries of this magical hero.  Why does he fly?  Do you think Hook was Pan’s first enemy?  Do you think Hook was an enemy?  Ever hear of Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman)?  Not like this you haven’t.  Jackman is wacky brilliant.  How many times can this man re-invent himself?  I thank wonderful, far off Australia for producing such a talent and handsome talent (I must go there).  From X-Men to Someone Like You to Swordfish to The Prestige and much, much more I repeatedly and anxiously sit in awe of Jackman.  As a fellow cancer survivor, I applaud his bravery in transparency.  He is a true hero, just not in this film.  Jackman plays Blackbeard like no other.  At first, it was off-putting, but his insanity and obsession fit like a glove as the plot progressed. 


Rooney Mara is truly gifted and yet underutilized in the film at times.  As Princess Tigerlily, Mara is powerful, agile, and oh my goodness, colorful.  I’ve seen her in A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and most recently Side Effects, my favorite, of course, being The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  Salander rocks (loved the Swedish version more, but U.S. doesn’t do too bad)!  Mara electrifies the senses in that role.   As Princess Tigerlilly, Mara inspires and screams Girl Power!  Tigerlilly is intelligent as well as a warrior.  She is barely scratching the surface of her acting abilities.  I look forward to seeing her blossom.

This film is worth the 3D cinematography, because you get the best of two both worlds:  cannonballs and other sights fly out at the audience and the world, Neverland and our earthly surroundings have such great depth and space.  The world of Pan is varied, vivid, and visually astounding; a joy for the masses.  In the beginning, the thick accents did make it somewhat difficult to understand dialogue, but these loosened up as Pan continued.  Parents, no warnings needed for this one.  It is family-friendly and highly enjoyable.  Although, I experienced an underwhelming climax and somewhat dragging end; overall Pan is a wondrous success. 

4 out of 5 Stars

– Janet L. White

By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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