Upcoming Season Schedule For ‘Doctor Who’!!!!

Hello, Whovians! Jana here,






We’ve been patient and now it’s time to reap the rewards that come with it. Of course, I’m talking ‘Doctor Who‘ here, so this means the rewards are going to be mixed with equal amounts of pain, heartache and probably unending sobs that have you gasping “Why me?” while you shake uncontrollably trying to hold it together and reminding yourself that it’s just a TV show. One thing that’s awesome about ‘Doctor Who‘ is that it’s a fantastic and witty show that inspires allegiance and love among its fans.






That allegiance is going to be tested when we begin series 8 in 5, count’em F-I-V-E days. Saturday, August 23 at 7:50pm is the highly anticipated premiere date. I know there’s going to be some tears shed during the Christmas episode if rumors prove to be true. The hotly circulated rumor that Jenna Coleman, who has been The Doctor’s companion since 2012, is making her exit from the show during the Christmas episode.

We’ve officially confirmed all the episode titles and writers for the upcoming series. The writers and directors are going to be some that we’ve seen before, and we know to expect the unexpected with writers like Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, especially. Check out the list and tune in Saturday night, I know I will be!


Episode 1: Deep Breath.
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley

Episode 2: Into The Dalek
Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley
Introducing Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink.

Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood
Written by Mark Gatiss
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 4: Listen
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 5: Time Heist
Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 6: The Caretaker
Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 7: Kill The Moon
Written by Peter Harness
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 8: Mummy On The Orient Express
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 9: Flatline
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 10: In The Forest Of The Night
Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Directed by Sheree Folkson

Episode 11/12 Dark Water/Death In Heaven
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay

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