Short Snap Film Review: ‘The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby’!!

Hillary T., Here…


The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby‘ is a very special movie. It is shot in three different perspectives: His, Hers, and Them. The one I saw was THEM. It’s a very interesting concept and I wasn’t sure I would embrace it. I was worried that this movie was going to be pretentious, and too “artsy.” I have spent the better part of twelve hours trying to put into proper words how this movie made me feel. It tore my heart out and ripped it apart and put it back together, over and over. I sat and cried through this movie, over 75% the time. I couldn’t get over how brutally stunning it is.

James McAvoy plays Conor Ludlow, who as the movie opens in a flashback scene, is madly in love with his wife, Eleanor Rigby, played perfectly by Jessica Chastain. There is something wrong with their marriage as we cut back to present and Eleanor is jumping off of a bridge. McAvoy has a hidden sadness in his eyes, that overwhelms you and just kicks you in the gut. when dealing with this, and Eleanor just continues, ignoring the underlying issue.


 This couple has problems, but you aren’t sure what exactly is wrong till almost halfway through the movie, and it’s subtle. What is wrong isn’t the problem, it’s how these two horribly wrecked people deal with the irrevocable tragedy that has erected a chasm between them. It’s about how they cope with the tragedy that has befallen them and hopefully, find their way back to each other.

I am not spoiling anything. This cast is rich with cameos too: Bill Hader as McAvoy’s best friend, Ciaran Hinds as his father, and William Hurt as Eleanor’s father.  I cannot wait to see the other two versions, and feel all the feels. I give this movie five of five stars. It’s romantic and thought provoking. I loved it, and recommend it to everyone.

5 out of 5 Stars

– Hillary Thomas

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