Scott Pilgrim VS. The World Hits DVD & BLURAY in November

USA Today’s Life section had some cool news on the cover.

Scott Pilgrim VS. The World will hit DVD & BLURAY on November 9th (which is my birthday) and will be loaded (hopefully) with tons of cool extras.

The U.K. release of the film on DVD & BLURAY already has some certified extras which will most likely be on the U.S.A release. Some rumored features include: the trailers and teasers for the film, an audio commentary with all the main actors including Micahel Cera, Jason Schwartzman, Brandon Routh, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Ellen Wong, plus another audio commentary with Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Kieran Culkin, and Mark Webber.

That’s about it for features for the U.K. release.  The commentaries sound cool, but I would like to the studio and tell them on the bluray they release in the U.S.A. please make it a 3 or 4 Disc release.  Disc 1 containing the high-def film plus extras.  The 2nd disc can be for extras to if there are plenty but I will get to that in a minute.  The 3rd disc can be the DVD version and the 4th can be the digital download so I can watch Scott Pilgrim on a plane or train.

So studio, please give a listen please.  I really do not care nor do I think most people care about going online through the blu ray player and watching the film with others or exclusive online content or bookmarking chapters or creating your favorite scenes.  While all that is cool, it is not what I want as an extra on a bluray.

Please, what I would love for this bluray is an in-depth behind the scenes documentary that spans from the graphic novel creation to the audience recation to the opening of the film and everything in between.

I would also like a commentary by the director Edgar Wright with his pals Simon Pegg and Nick Frost even though they had nothing to do with the movie.  Even if it was a shit movie (which it is not by any means), I would purchase the movie for this alone.  In addition to the commentaries, how about making them video commentaries in the vein of MST3K where you can see the shadows of the people giving the commentary and they can point things out on the screen as they are happening.

I want a featurette featuring all the music of the film and band rehearsal footage.  Also I would love a 10 minute gag reel.

Since this is a geek/video game centric movie, how about interviews with the cast and crew talking about their favorite video games and maybe even footage of a video game tournament involving the cast and crew.

Maybe perhaps some hidden easter eggs of some evil exes that “Didn’t make the Final Cut” of the movie and their lame battle scenes?  Could be great.

Some deleted scenes would be great as well.  Also maybe some of the evil exes introducing the special features or talking at you to press a button on the menus of the disc.

I mean this movie is epic and the dvd release must be equally epic.  I loved this film.

I am very much looking forward to this release here in the U.S.A.

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