Russell Crowe To Play Jor-El In Zack Snyder’s ‘Superman’?!?!

Hi Bryan Here….

The part that was made famous by Marlon Brando in the Richard Donner 1978 original Superman film might get played by Russell Crowe.  We are of course talking about Superman’s real Kryptonian father, Jor-El.  Nothing is set in stone yet, but talks are happening and this would be a huge step in the right direction for this film I think.

Russell Crowe would join Kevin Costner as Pa Kent, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Michael Shannon in Zack Snyder’s revamp of Supes.  I wonder if his decision making in this will factor in his directorial debut film ’77’.  Who knows.  We will update you as soon as we find out.  This would be cool none-the-less.

Your thoughts?

Via Deadline.

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