Podcast #28: Best TV Series 90′s – Present Bracket – 2nd Round Elimination!!

Hi, Bryan Here…


We now have the SECOND round elimination for our new Bracket, which is the Best TV Shows from the 1990s through present day. A few weeks ago, we took a couple of days to come up with 64 of the best tv shows from that time-frame, and we put them in a NCAA-style tournament bracket to see what would emerge as the best show of that time. We separated them into two categories, which were comedy series and drama series. Even in this SECOND round, there were some big fights amongst us. Blood was drawn, bones were broken, words were said, dogs and cats started living together – MASS HYSTERIA. You can click the link below to see the bracket in its entirety and print it out and play along.  This was a lot of fun. We will be posting some images of our bracket picks for you to see in full on our FACEBOOK page, which you should visit to catch up on all the latest information. And don’t forget to visit iTunes and Stitcher and subscribe to our podcast. Enjoy the show.

2014 Television Show Bracket – Full Bracket

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