Paranormal Weekend for Paranormal Activity 3!!!

The Bishop Charlotte reporting…

It was a big weekend for the Paranormal Activity franchise! Records were broken as the third installment made $54 million at the box office. It’s the most earned in three months for any movie, and the most ever for a horror franchise. As PA3 was made for only $5 million, there’s quite a profit there already.

Typically, a sequel does better in theaters than an original, but then a third installment is slightly less lucrative. Not the case here – PA3 has changed that pattern in a big way. More men and woman old and young have flocked to this newest thriller than the other two combined.

PA3 is playing in over 50 countries, boasting large ticket sales from all of them. Admittedly, there was no horror rival for it this time around as there has been with the other two. However, the statistics do not lie: audiences, while giving it only about a C+ average review-wise, are fascinated with this documentary-like narrative of a family and the demon living in their house.

Be warned: Don’t see it alone, says the poster. Seconded here.

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