Marvel Comics Series, ‘Crash Ryan’ Will Make it to the Big Screen!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…


The 1984 Marvel Comics series, ‘Crash Ryan‘ will be made into a feature film. ‘Crash Ryan‘ was set in an alternate timeline of 1934 where Earth had bigger and better technology than it actually did. The main hero named Crash Ryan is a pilot who leads the heroic United Airmen against an evil force led by a masked villain named ‘The Doom’.

Producer Ryan Heppe purchased the rights to the comic recently and plans to have David Cowper write the screenplay. There are no directors attached yet nor are there any casting decisions made yet, but this film adaptation could be huge. Heppe hasn’t done much, but he is slated to be the producer on the upcoming ‘Short Circuit‘ remake and Cowper has worked on ‘The Harrowing‘.

Crash Ryan‘ was under the banner of Epic Comics and was creator-owned back then and was created by Ron Harris, who actually wrote, illustrated, and colored the entire comic. He also did a 4-story arc for Dark Horse a few years later of ‘Crash Ryan‘.


Harris said, “‘Crash Ryan’ is the product of a mishmash of influences: my childhood spent on Navy airbases; the old flying movies and Masked Villain serials I loved on late-night TV, and especially my fascination with predictions of future life made in the 1930’s.”

“It’s an incredible canvas, but what attracted me was the redemption story: a man who can’t save himself being tasked with saving the world,” Heppe said.

Heppe and Harris have teamed up to flesh out a story on paper and is tentatively titled ‘Crash Ryan and the Eyes of Lemuria‘, and is being billed as a mix of ‘Indiana Jones‘ and ‘Star Wars‘ with a steampunk vibe, according to Variety. That description has me interested for sure, and allows this property to have a ton of possibilities for franchise films and make even more money for Marvel.

Looking forward to seeing the talent that comes to this film.



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