‘Mad Men’ Season 6 Begins April 7th on AMC!!!

Hi, Bryan Here….


Season 6 of ‘Mad Men‘ will debut on April 7th on AMC, and the first episode will be written by creator Matthew Weiner and directed by Scott Horbacher, and will be a two hour season opener. Star Jon Hamm will direct the second episode of the season.  I can’t wait for this season.  We previously reported that the first episode of the season will partly take place in Hawaii, which will be cool to see what they do with the set pieces there. And Weiner lets us in on a very small bit of info on the new season.

Weiner said, “It will advance in time, as it does… I can’t say how much or how little. We’re coming off a period in Don’s life where he’s trying to normalize, and trying to have this relationship — a real relationship with this woman that he fell in love with. She expressed her desires and that was a surprise for him. On this show, it’s a very rich, full orchestra, and we like to follow what is the next stage in these people’s lives.” He went on to say, ‘The season opener has some cliffhanger elements to it, it does propel you into the rest of the season –  it does foreshadow a lot what the season is about.”

That’s very interesting, as we still don’t know how far in the future we are from the season final of season 5, where we had the firm still mourning Lane Pryce’s suicide, Peggy joining a rival agency, Roger Sterling high on drugs, and Don coming to terms with his wife’s new acting success as he sat at a bar and was propositioned by a couple of women, leaving us to think, “Will he stay faithful or resort to his old ways?”  Whatever the case, I can’t wait to find out.


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