Hi, Bryan Here….
Here is an interesting bit of news. Lucy Liu, who we all know is a beautiful female, will be taking on the role of Watson in a new Sherlock Holmes pilot for CBS. This is a modern day telling of the classic Sir Arthur Connan Doyle novel and her character name will be Joan Watson.
Jonny Lee Miller will play Holmes, a former consultant to Scotland Yard whose addiction problems led him to a rehab center in New York City. Just out of rehab, Holmes now lives in Brooklyn with “sober companion” Joan Watson (Liu), a former surgeon who lost her license after a patient died, while consulting for the NYPD. The pilot will be written by Michael Cuesta and written by Robert Doherty.
This is a ballsy move CBS. Changing things around like this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fascinated by this change, but hopefully all is well with this, for I deeply love anything Holmes related. Your thoughts?
Michael Cuesta is known for directing a few shows for HBO and Showtime, notable, Dexter, Six Feet Under,True Blood, and Homeland. While Jonny Lee Miller was in Trainspotting and Hackers.
6 Responses
Oh gods what rubbish. It is just hoping to cash in on the success of the British reboot of Sherlock Holmes without the actors, the idea, or the writers. FAIL
And this will in no way suck compared to the superior BBC “Sherlock” series. Nope. Not at all.
Because if there’s one thing I think about when I hear the name Sherlock Holmes, it’s America!
I can see this going either way really. One one hand, there is good talent here, on the other hand, it might just play out like a McG suck fest.
Okay, now I’m officially sure the makers of this show are just trollin’.
Jonny Lee Miller was not, nor has he ever been in True Blood.
@Murderface – – Not sure how that got in there, but the True Blood credit was supposed to be for Michael Cuesta. Fixed.