If Bill and Ted travel through time again…..??

This past weekend at the New Beverly in L.A., a double feature of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey was screened and was SOLD OUT.  As it should be.  Bill (Alex Winter) was there live in person to introduce the films and do a Q & A.

Someone asked if there was going to be a third film and Alex said that he and Keanu and Ed Solomon have been brainstorming ideas and that they want to make an amazing third film and not a crappy one like so many sequels these days.  That had ideas even to make a rated R third film.  If they come up with a story that was worth making it will definitely happen.

I can’t express how badly I want a third Bill and Ted film.  Sadly there will be no George Carlin, but to see these characters on screen in a new adventure would rock my geek world.

Let me know what you would like to see in a third Bill and Ted movie.

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