Director Duncan Jones Might Helm Wolverine Sequel!!!

Hi Bryan Here…

Seems like the rumor mill is in full force in that director Duncan Jones (Moon, The Source Code) is having meetings about directing the Wolverine sequel.  At one point it was going to be Darren Aronofsky, but he pulled out at the last minute, so now the crew is trying to find someone quickly.  It doesn’t seem like Duncan Jones would want to take the project on meaning it doesn’t look like his cup of tea.  I feel he would want to make his own super hero film by creating a new one and not be tied down by Marvel or the big studio execs on ever single frame.   Who knows?  But our fellow contributor Joel, has a little something to say about this matter below.

“Two Words That Rhyme with Wolverine”

Duncan Jones.

Okay, so maybe it doesn’t rhyme…. but the point is Duncan Jones has agreed to meet with 20th Century Fox in discussion of commanding the next Wolverine flick.

I would expect good things.  I mean with all this craze about Charlie Sheen and Tiger’s Blood… it’s a joke.

What’s not a joke?  Bowie Blood.  Undeniable royalty.

Let’s just hope this rumor/report doesn’t go sour like it did when Darren Aronofsky, who did sign on to direct but soon left the project’s captains chair.  Can’t say I don’t mind being that Jones is now in the possible cue.

Again, I would expect good things.  Maybe involving Spacey?  Rockwell?  Gyllenhaal?

I’m not huge fan of comic book cross-overs, but I loved Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, along with any all characters he’s played, and Kevin Spacey deserves another chance after being Lex Luther is that movie with a really cool special effects in the plane crash/save scene.

Either way the cast wind blows, Jones has reeled in quite a reputable roster repertoire thus far in his career….

Did I mention “good things”?

Doubts?  See examples:  Moon & Source Code….. and David Bowie.

Bowie Blood.  Winner, Winner, Bowie Dinner.


The Fantastical Joel Hawkins

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