AFD!!! NBC Renews ‘Freaks and Geeks’ for a 2nd Season!!!

Hi, Bryan Here…

NBC has decided to renew ‘Freaks and Geeks’ for a 2nd season giving it  24 episodes with an option to have a third season.  Judd Apatow and Paul Feig will be back producing and directing each episode with the entire cast excited and ready to work.  It has been twelve years since the show aired to which some people have said they look to old.  The cast and crew replied with, “…we all still look pretty young and we can still pass for high school students.”


The second season is supposed to take off right where the last one left us.  Which was with Lindsay Weir and Kim Kelly going on a Grateful Dead concert tour, Nick Andopolis dancing to disco, Daniel Desario playing Dungeons and Dragons with the Geeks, and Ken Miller, well being Ken Miller.  The show is expected to start shooting this summer with a premiere date of early 2013.  Apatow added that Jonah Hill and Jay Baruchel have been added as regulars to the cast.


This sounds to good to be true doesn’t it?  Yes it does.  In a perfect universe this would happen, but it won’t.  Happy April Fool’s Day!!!

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2 Responses

  1. Obviously going thru the info a number will believe it because its reality so its nice spotting a writer that’s blogging it for us to consider

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