Article & News

Month: May 2014

Film Review: ‘Fed Up’!!

Fernando M., Here… Katie Couric, as producer and narrator, presents a film which began as individual news stories; the stories slowly developed into a fascinating

Film Review: ‘Chef’!!

Janet W. Here… Succulent dishes, funny men, beautiful women, and the cutest kid you’d ever want to meet make ‘Chef‘ sound like a win-win, right?

Film Review: ‘For No Good Reason’!!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. One of the most recognized artists of a generation whose artwork has sparked debate, protests, and change is still very alive

Film Review: ‘Godzilla’ (2014)!!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here….  It has been sixty years since ‘Godzilla‘, the true king of all monsters first graced us with his appearance on the

First Image of Ben Affleck as Batman!!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. Director Zack Snyder took to his TWITTER account and released the first photo of the new Batmobile and Ben Affleck as

Re-Cast: ‘The Three Amigos’!!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here… Here is our 34th episode of ‘The Multi-Media Men‘ and with one of our infamous Re-Cast segments.  We had a lot of

Podcast #34 – ‘In The News’ Vol. 34!!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. Here we are with our 34th ‘Multi-Media Men‘ podcast Episode. And we recorded on Mother’s Day Sunday 2014. So of course we