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Tag: natalya

WWE Payback 2016: What to Expect!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. It’s that time of year again for the PPV after Wrestlemania, which is known as Payback. Normally, this is a rather

WWE: Extreme Rules 4/26/15 Recap!

Angelic Heel Once More! The one night that WWE goes extreme is known as Extreme Rules (shown on the WWE Network for FREE during the

WWE: SMACKDOWN 1/15/15 Recap!

Angelic Heel Here… In the words of the Rock, FINALLY Smackdown has come back to Thursdays! And oh, what an incredible evening it was in

WWE: NXT 1/14/15 RECAP!!

    Angelic Heel Here… The move to Wednesday was seamless as the NXT Superstars once again delivered on the promised action. Each match kept the

WWE: RAW 1/5/15! The Authority Returns!

  Angelic Heel Here… Celebrate good times, COME ON!! Order has returned to the WWE Universe with the reinstatement of the Authority! The first RAW of

WWE: NXT Recap 1/1/15!!!

Angelic Heel here… What is the best way to begin an outstanding and memorable 2015? Why with an explosive installment of WWE’s developmental brand, NXT. 

WWE: Raw – December 29th, 2014!!

Angelic Heel, Here… Good things always come to those who wait, and the last RAW of 2014 was a VERY good thing. WWE Hall of

WWE: Raw Christmas 2014!!

Angi S., Here…. It’s that time of year again. When we all gather round with those we care about and watch the special Christmas edition