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Tag: kevin owens

WWE: NXT 2/18/15 Recap!

  Angelic Heel Once More… Just one week after NXT TakeOver: Rival, the superstars of NXT return to business as usual on this weeks installment

WWE: NXT Takeover: RIVAL Recap!!

Angelic Heel once again! Once again the NXT Superstars destroyed all expectations as they took over the WWE Network with NXT Takeover: Rival! Full Sail University

WWE: NXT 1/14/15 RECAP!!

    Angelic Heel Here… The move to Wednesday was seamless as the NXT Superstars once again delivered on the promised action. Each match kept the

WWE: NXT – December 18th, 2014!

Angi S., Here…. A week in the grand scheme of things is a short span of time consisting of seven days. A week waiting for