Article & News

Tag: Kalisto

WWE: TLC 2016 in Dallas!

Hi everyone, Bryan here… WWE has just finished its 8th TLC pay-per-view right here in Dallas, TX. No, TLC does not mean Tender Loving Care or

WWE Payback 2016: What to Expect!

Hi everyone, Bryan Here…. It’s that time of year again for the PPV after Wrestlemania, which is known as Payback. Normally, this is a rather

WWE: What to Expect at Fastlane 2016!

Tom Nix, here…   Good day, wrestleheads! We are in the throes of Wrestlemania Season and the final “Special Event” stop on this runaway train

WWE: NXT Takeover: RIVAL Recap!!

Angelic Heel once again! Once again the NXT Superstars destroyed all expectations as they took over the WWE Network with NXT Takeover: Rival! Full Sail University

WWE: NXT Recap 1/1/15!!!

Angelic Heel here… What is the best way to begin an outstanding and memorable 2015? Why with an explosive installment of WWE’s developmental brand, NXT.