Murder Mystery – Film Review!
“Murder Mystery is a thrilling comedy that stars the Sand-Man and Jennifer Aniston.” Adam...
Film, Television, Music, & Podcasts.
“Murder Mystery is a thrilling comedy that stars the Sand-Man and Jennifer Aniston.” Adam...
“Late Night is a funny film with some great messages and solid performances.” Late Night,...
“This is Pitch Perfect Shaft!” We need more heroes like Shaft. Even if he breaks...
“The Dead Don’t Die is my favorite zombie film of the year.” Just when you...
In 1989, the birth of summer blockbusters became real with Tim Burton’s Batman. Before that,...
Here is the infamous Music podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA MEN banner called ‘The Unbalanced Note‘, where the...
“I Am Mother is one sci-fi film that gets it right.” As we’ve seen...
“Echo in the Canyon is a true music buff’s utopia.” If you’re a music...
“The Child Remains was not a great adaptation of an otherwise spine-chilling true story.”...
Here is the super spectacular 54th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
Here is the infamous Music podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA MEN banner called ‘The Unbalanced Note‘, where the...
Here is the super spectacular 53rd episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
“Always Be My Maybe is simply enjoyable and engaging throughout.” Next on the romantic-comedy chopping block...
Here is the super spectacular 52nd episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
“This film is exactly what its title indicates – The Perfection.” It’s not an...
Here is the super spectacular 51st episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
I had the distinct pleasure to talk with filmmaker Edward Zwick about his new motion...
“John Wick 3: Parabellum spared no expense and creativity in giving us the best...
Genre fans all over the world, lend me your ears. CINEPOCALYPSE 2019 is happening in...
‘Pet Sematary‘ comes back to life with a brand new 2160p 4K UHD image with...
Here is the super spectacular 50th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
Here is the bonafide and badass 1ST episode of the newest, and entertaining concert podcast...
Here is the super spectacular 49th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
Finally, we got the conclusion to M. Night Shyamalan’s superhero opus with Glass, which was...
Here is the super spectacular 48th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
“Avengers: Endgame is the perfect ending to the biggest franchise in history.” The culmination...
Dragged Across Concrete is the third film from S. Craig Zahler that focuses on two...
Here is the super spectacular 47th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
Here is the super spectacular 46th episode of the most fun horror podcast under the MULTI-MEDIA...
“Hellboy (2019) is a waste of time, money, and talent on every level.” Hellboy...