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Jana’s Best/Worst of 2014!!!

Hey guys, Jana here,     It’s been a big year for the entertainment world. Netflix’s initial push to bring movie-theater worthy films straight to

TV Review: ‘Peaky Blinders’!!

Hey guys, Jana here,   I’m an addict. When I see a new TV series that I fall in love with, I marathon every episode

Film Review: “Into the Storm”

Suzanne here, At only 89 minutes, Into the Storm tries to tell too much story in too little time. With 5+ tornadoes, environmentalism, teen romance,

The Top 20 Vampire Movies Of All Time!!!

Jana B., Here… I love making lists. Grocery lists. Bucket lists. Holiday lists. Favorite movie lists. Favorite VAMPIRE movie lists. I bet that got your

Neil Young: Journeys Blu-Ray (REVIEW)

Howdy Classic Rock fans, Napkin Art Here… I have just one question: Who the f*ck doesn’t love Neil Young? The ‘Grandaddy of Grunge’ has been

The Polyphonic Spree Does Christmas

  It might not yet be Halloween, and there are still a few days left to carve up that jack-o-lantern for the front porch, but

BRIDGE – Interlude One

  The burnt man came to with a start, air flooding his lungs as if he were emerging from under water.  The lag time between

BRIDGE – Chapter Twenty

CHAPTER TWENTY The tinny song was repeating by the time Bridge determined its tune was emanating from him.  After that, the process whereby he retrieved