Article & News

Day: March 11, 2014

Ed Helms Starring in ‘Epic Fail’!!!

Hello Jana here, Funnyman Ed Helms, known far and wide to those of us that loved ‘The Hangover‘ as Dr. Stuart Price, is developing ‘Epic

‘Fletch Lives’ On!!!

Hello Jana here, If you’re like me, when you hear the name ‘Fletch‘, you automatically picture the journalist played by Chevy Chase. I think you

Adult Swim Announces ‘Black Jesus’!!!

Hello Jana here,   Adult Swim or as, is the flip-side of Cartoon Network, broadcast since 2001, much of the network’s general content is known

Film Review: ‘Tim’s Vermeer’!!

Hi, Bryan Here…. I would imagine that only art students or avid art collectors would know the name Vermeer if it was spoken out loud,