Hi, Bryan Here….

From EPP

All it took was Mark Wahlberg calling out a few people on camera for being pricks, and a few days later, ‘Entourage‘ the film finally gets a greenlight from the studio. You see, for the past year or more, an ‘Entourage‘ big screen adaptation was in the works, but some of the stars of the show were holding out for a big pay day, thus delaying the movie. Well it seems that now, all things have been settled, and the film is moving on.

That being said, do we really need more from these characters? Sure, they gave us a few laughs, but I think all was said that was needed to be said during the show’s eight seasons on HBO. All of the ‘Entourage‘ have inked deals for a film finally. Jeremy Piven inked his deal a while ago, which has him making money off the backend of the project, which is why some of the other actors were hoping for more money.

We do know that Warner Bros. wants to keep the budget to $30 million with a January start date. Who knows if any of this will start on time and remain in budget, but rest assured, there will be more ‘Entourage‘. I’m sure it will be fun to watch once, but even that’s pushing it.

Your thoughts?



By Bryan Kluger

Former husky model, real-life Comic Book Guy, genre-bending screenwriter, nude filmmaker, hairy podcaster, pro-wrestling idiot-savant, who has a penchant for solving Rubik's Cubes and rolling candy cigarettes on unreleased bootlegs of Frank Zappa records.

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